
Buscador de la asociación Autoras y Autores de Teatro

Pilar González Almansa

Directora de escena, productora, dramaturga y docente, es miembro fundador de dos compañías teatrales, CríaCuervos y La Pitbull. Ha participado como dramaturga y/o directora en más de 20 montajes. Su último espectáculo, 'Banqueros vs. zombis', es el primer montaje en España en el que el público puede elegir la narrativa gracias a una app online. También ha desarrollado su carrera como guionista de videojuegos y en gestión cultural. Lda. Dirección de Escena y Dramaturgia (RESAD, Madrid), Lda. Periodismo (UCM, Madrid), MA Prácticas de Teatro Avanzadas (CSSD, Londres). Actualmente cursando doctorado (UCM) en Estudios Teatrales. Área de estudio: Tecnologías Interactivas y Artes Escénicas.

Pilar G. Almansa is a director, producer, playwright and teacher, and a founding member of the theatre companies CríaCuervos and La Pitbull. She has worked as a playwright and/or director on over 20 productions. Her last play, Bankers v. Zombies (Banqueros vs zombis) was the first production in Spain where the audience could control the story using an online app. She has also worked as a scriptwriter for videogames, and in cultural management. She holds a BA in Directing and Playwriting from the Spanish royal academy of dramatic art (RESAD, Madrid), a BA in Journalism from the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM) and an MA in Advanced Theatre Practice from the Central School of Speech and Drama (London). She is currently researching a PhD in Theatre Studies at UCM, with a focus on interactive technology and the performing arts.

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