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La danza de la lluvia
The dance of the rain

La danza de la lluvia
Valentín García Pimentel, parado, ha sido llamado por la Wilson Corporation SLPK, una compañía tabaquera, para lo que él supone una entrevista de trabajo. Irá respondiendo a las diferentes preguntas que le dicte una voz con acento inglés de Norteamérica, a la vez que deberá realizar una serie de pruebas que se le pedirán, e incluso, cada vez que la voz lo considere. Todas las pruebas se combinan con fumar determinados cigarrillos en experimentación. El problema se acrecienta cuando el protagonista desea interrumpir “el experimento”; resulta que no puede salir. La voz le propone que colabore a cambio de un incentivo que no se especifica en qué consistirá. Valentín acepta y sigue adelante. El humor nos acerca el personaje, si nos reímos de éste, al poco nos arrepentimos de haberlo hecho. Valentín no deja de ser un personaje que se atreve a predicar su honradez desde la barra de un bar.

Valentín García Pimentel, without work, has been cried by Wilson Corporation SLPK, a company snuffbox, for the that he supposes an interview of work. It Will go responding at the different questions that script him a voice with English accent of North America, concurrently that it will have to realise a series of proofs that will request him, and even, every time that the voice consider it timely, at Valentín will realise him an extraction of blood that will serve to complete the survey that the company carries out. All the proofs combine with smoking determinate cigarettes at experimentation. The problem increases when the protagonist desires to interrupt “the experiment”; it results that it can not exit. The voice proposes him that it collaborate in return of an incentive that does not specify at what will consist. Valentín accepts and tracks forward. The work splits of a daily fact to span social and metaphysical aspects. The humour approximates us the personage, if we laugh of this, at the little *we *regret to have it done. Valentín is of those personages that preach his honesty at a bar.

Comedia DramáticaComedy drama
60 - 90 min.
Texto completo
La obra, La danza de la lluvia, ganó el Premio Internacional de Teatro Casa de Teatro en 2001. Aunque ha sido publicada, jamás ha sido estrenada.
The play, The Dance of the Rain, won the International Theater House Theater Award in 2001. Although it has been published, it has never been released.
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Nota: “Todos los datos han sido aportados por los/as autores/as, por lo tanto, la AAT no se responsabiliza de su veracidad”.
Note: "All data have been provided by the authors, therefore, the AAT is not responsible for its accuracy".