
Buscador de la asociación Autoras y Autores de Teatro

Antonia Bueno Mingallón

Nace en Madrid. Reside en Valencia. Socia de SGAE, AAT, AVEET y CyM (Clásicas y modernas). Proyectos teatrales desde hace 40 años. En 1979 cofundó en Madrid TEATRO GUIRIGAI, codirigiendo 20 años la compañía. La mayor parte de sus textos editados. Traducciones al inglés, francés, alemán y griego. Direcciones escénicas, talleres y conferencias. Premio especial Jurado IV Certamen Nacional Directoras de Escena por dirección de Sancha, reina de la Hispania. Becas Comunidad de Madrid por Zahra, favorita de Al-Ándalus y Raquel, hija de Sefarad. Ayudas Creación de Teatres Comunidad Valenciana por Las mil y una muertes de Sarah Bernhardt y Waltzing Tirisiti. Ganadora de XVI Premio ASSITEJ·España Teatro Infancia y Juventud, por Ópera de los residuos. Accésit Teatro Mínimo José Moreno Arenas por El móvil del muerto. Premio XI CERTAMEN DE NARRATIVA Ayto Valencia por Yo Clarita (sobre Clara Campoamor). Seleccionada en I LABORATORI DRAMATURGICO JOSEP LLUÍS SIRERA con Tiempo de argán y naranjas.

Antonia Bueno Mingallón was born in Madrid and lives in Valencia. She is a member of the SGAE (the Spanish society of authors), the AAT (the Spanish association of playwrights), AVEET (the Valencian scriptwriters association), and Clásicas y Modernas, the association for gender equality in the cultural sector. Her work in theatre has spanned almost 40 years. In 1979 she founded the Madrid-based theatre company Teatro Guirigau, which she co-directed for 20 years. Most of her plays have been published and several have been translated into English, French, German or Greek. She has also worked as a director and has presented at workshops and conferences, and received a special mention from the jury at the 4th national women directors award for her direction of Sancha, Queen of Hispania (Sancha, reina de la Hispania). Her plays Zahra, the Favourite of al-Andalus (Zahra, favorita de Al-Ándalus) and Raquel, Daughter of Sepharad (Raquel, hija de Sefarad) were awarded grants from the regional government of Madrid, and her plays The 1001 Deaths of Sarah Bernhardt (Las mil y una muerts de Sarah Bernhardt) and Waltzing Tirisiti were supported by grants from the regional government of Valencia. Her play for children The Throwaway Opera (La Ópera de los residuos) won the 16th ASSITEJ Spain award for theatre for children and young people. Her play The Mobile of Death (El móvil de la muerte) was runner-up at the José Moreno Arenas short play award. She won the 9th city of Valencia award for narrative with I, Clarita (Yo Clarita), based on the life story of the Spanish feminist and politician Clara Campoamor, and was selected to participate in the inaugural Josep Lluís Sirera playwriting laboratory.

Curriculum Vitae en pdf


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