7 minutos nada menos
Un cronómetro marca el paso de la escena, que transcurre en tiempo real, a lo largo de 7 minutos, desarrollando la historia de un individuo al que le queda apenas ese tiempo de vida. Se dirige al público, mientras continúa su ineludible periplo que inicia desde las bambalinas de la izquierda hasta desaparecer por las de la derecha, intentando en el ínterin explicarse su destino de comparsa de un corto monólogo. Teatro dentro del teatro. Tragicomedia alegórica sobre la existencia y nuestra necesidad de encontrarle un sentido.
A chronometer marks the duration of a scene, in real time, during seven minutes, showing the story of a fellow who has scarcely those minutes to live. He addresses the audience while continuing his unavoidable journey from the right wing to the left one, and trying, in the meantime, to explain to himself his destiny as an extra with a short monologue. Theater inside theater. An allegoric tragi-comedy about life and our necessity to find a meaning for it.
A chronometer marks the duration of a scene, in real time, during seven minutes, showing the story of a fellow who has scarcely those minutes to live. He addresses the audience while continuing his unavoidable journey from the right wing to the left one, and trying, in the meantime, to explain to himself his destiny as an extra with a short monologue. Theater inside theater. An allegoric tragi-comedy about life and our necessity to find a meaning for it.
Nota: “Todos los datos han sido aportados por los/as autores/as, por lo tanto, la AAT no se responsabiliza de su veracidad”.
Note: "All data have been provided by the authors, therefore, the AAT is not responsible for its accuracy".