El programa radiofónico con más swing para la mujer de hoy. Valencia abril 1937.
El escenario
es una emisora de radio
con público en directo.
Por el patio de butacas llega Amparito Soler, conductora del programa “AMPARITO TE AMPARA”.
Viste ropa años 30. Va saludando al público de la sala.
Amparito es una mujer vital, a la que le encanta ayudar a los demás,
sobre todo a las mujeres. Procede de una familia de mujeres progresistas. Sus tías abuelas Alma y Selma fueron emprendedoras y adelantadas a su tiempo. Su abuela dirigió la sección del partido comunista en Valencia y creó la revista PENTALFA.
Amparito sube al escenario.
¡Comienza el espectáculo!
The radio program with more swing for the woman of today. Valencia April 1937. The stage is a radio station with a live audience. Amparito Soler, host of the program "AMPARITO TE AMPARA", arrives from the stalls. She wears clothes from the 30s. She is greeting the audience in the room. Amparito is a vital woman, who loves to help others, especially women. She comes from a family of progressive women. Her great aunts Alma and Selma were enterprising and ahead of her time. Her grandmother headed the section of the communist party in Valencia and created the PENTALFA magazine. Amparito goes up on stage. The show starts!
The radio program with more swing for the woman of today. Valencia April 1937. The stage is a radio station with a live audience. Amparito Soler, host of the program "AMPARITO TE AMPARA", arrives from the stalls. She wears clothes from the 30s. She is greeting the audience in the room. Amparito is a vital woman, who loves to help others, especially women. She comes from a family of progressive women. Her great aunts Alma and Selma were enterprising and ahead of her time. Her grandmother headed the section of the communist party in Valencia and created the PENTALFA magazine. Amparito goes up on stage. The show starts!
EspañolSpanish | |
Comedia DramáticaComedy drama | |
2 | |
2 | |
1 | |
Teatro breveShort play | |
OtraOthers | |
2014 | |
Oct 2014 | |
Centro Cultural SGAE VALENCIA | |
Intérpretes: María José Agües y Henar del Paso Dirección: Antonia Bueno | |
2018 | |
SILLAS EN LA FRONTERA. MUJER, TEATRO Y MIGRACIONES. Editora Concha Fernández Soto. Espiral/teatro nº 416. Editorial Edual, Universidad de Almería | |
Documento | |
Imagenes no disponibles
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Note: "All data have been provided by the authors, therefore, the AAT is not responsible for its accuracy".