Su protagonista, Aisha, es una de las numerosas mujeres magrebíes que arriban a nuestras costas en patera. Está embarazada y da a luz al llegar a nuestro país. Ante la tremenda presión ejercida para repatriarla junto con su hijo, busca desesperada una solución para que al menos a él le acepten los hombres blancos en la escuela blanca. Enloquecida por la idea de blanquear a su hijo para que sea aceptado como uno más, llega a una terrible decisión, más allá de toda cordura. Concebida como una tragedia con tintes surrealistas, que me permite mostrar el horror de manera brutal y sin paliativos.
Its protagonist, Aisha, is one of the many Maghreb women who arrive on our shores in a boat. She is pregnant and gives birth when she arrives in our country. Faced with the tremendous pressure exerted to repatriate her along with her son, she desperately seeks a solution so that at least the white men will accept him in the white school. Crazed by the idea of whitewashing her son so that he is accepted as one more, she arrives to a terrible decision, beyond all sanity. Conceived as a tragedy with surrealist overtones, which allows me to show horror in a brutal and unmitigated way.
Its protagonist, Aisha, is one of the many Maghreb women who arrive on our shores in a boat. She is pregnant and gives birth when she arrives in our country. Faced with the tremendous pressure exerted to repatriate her along with her son, she desperately seeks a solution so that at least the white men will accept him in the white school. Crazed by the idea of whitewashing her son so that he is accepted as one more, she arrives to a terrible decision, beyond all sanity. Conceived as a tragedy with surrealist overtones, which allows me to show horror in a brutal and unmitigated way.
EspañolSpanish | |
TragediaTragedy | |
1 | |
1 | |
1 | |
Teatro breveShort play | |
ContemporáneaContemporary | |
Griego | |
2001 | |
2006 | |
Universidad de Sevilla | |
Autora, directora y actriz: Antonia Bueno | |
2002, 2009 y 2016 | |
Revista Alhucema nº 8. Albolote (Granada), Editorial Entinema, Madrid y Espiral/teatro nº 416. Editorial Fundamentos. pp. 91-106. Madrid. | |
Nota: “Todos los datos han sido aportados por los/as autores/as, por lo tanto, la AAT no se responsabiliza de su veracidad”.
Note: "All data have been provided by the authors, therefore, the AAT is not responsible for its accuracy".