Concebida como partitura visual y sonora, que integra los elementos gestuales y acústicos generados por la interacción entre la actriz y las proyecciones de su cerebro.
Los temas musicales cubanos se entrelazan con fragmentos procedentes del cerebro de BEL: sirenas de barcos a punto de zarpar, timbres que llaman a escena, rumores del gentío que aguarda para aplaudirla...
Las coreografías trazadas por el cuerpo rejuvenecido de BEL se mezclan con las imágenes interiores proyectadas sobre su propio cuerpo, en un juego interior- exterior de gran intensidad.
La felicidad, la memoria... La vida en una palabra.
Las caóticas neuronas de BEL LA BELLA la llevan danzando del pasado al presente, del gozo a la añoranza, en un baile de tiempos y ritmos imparable. El barco que trajo a la joven cubana a España a los 17 años se entrecruza en el océano de su mente con el que conduce a la anciana en su proceso de Alzheimer.
Conceived as a visual and sound score, which integrates the gestural and acoustic elements generated by the interaction between the actress and the projections of her brain. Cuban musical themes are intertwined with fragments from BEL's brain: sirens of ships about to sail, bells that call on the scene, rumors of the crowd waiting to applaud ... The choreographies traced by BEL's rejuvenated body are mixed with the interior images projected onto her own body, in an interior-exterior game of great intensity. Happiness, memory ... Life in a word. The chaotic neurons of BEL LA BELLA take her dancing from the past to the present, from joy to longing, in a dance of unstoppable times and rhythms. The ship that brought the young Cuban woman to Spain at the age of 17 intersects in the ocean of her mind with which she leads the old woman in her Alzheimer's process.
Conceived as a visual and sound score, which integrates the gestural and acoustic elements generated by the interaction between the actress and the projections of her brain. Cuban musical themes are intertwined with fragments from BEL's brain: sirens of ships about to sail, bells that call on the scene, rumors of the crowd waiting to applaud ... The choreographies traced by BEL's rejuvenated body are mixed with the interior images projected onto her own body, in an interior-exterior game of great intensity. Happiness, memory ... Life in a word. The chaotic neurons of BEL LA BELLA take her dancing from the past to the present, from joy to longing, in a dance of unstoppable times and rhythms. The ship that brought the young Cuban woman to Spain at the age of 17 intersects in the ocean of her mind with which she leads the old woman in her Alzheimer's process.
EspañolSpanish | |
Comedia DramáticaComedy drama | |
1 | |
1 | |
1 | |
60 - 90 min. | |
ContemporáneaContemporary | |
2012 | |
31 Oct 2013 | |
Intérprete: Bebe Pérez Directora: Antonia Bueno | |
2013 | |
Editorial digital COMOARTES, en LOS LIBROS DE LAS GAVIOTAS Nº 21. | |
Imagenes no disponibles
Nota: “Todos los datos han sido aportados por los/as autores/as, por lo tanto, la AAT no se responsabiliza de su veracidad”.
Note: "All data have been provided by the authors, therefore, the AAT is not responsible for its accuracy".