Segunda parte de LA MUJER Y LA RADIO, cuya primera parte es AMPARITO TE AMPARA.
Acaba de terminar la Guerra Civil. La sala del teatro sigue siendo la emisora de un programa dirigido a las mujeres. El patio de butacas es el público asistente en vivo a la emisión.
Ahora la presentadora es una adusta mujer: DOÑA AMPARO. Viste camisa falangista y mantilla con peineta. Lleva un parche en un ojo y le falta un brazo.
Las consignas han cambiado. Ya no se habla de temas candentes como el divorcio o la homosexualidad, sino que se trata de adoctrinar a la mujer para que sea una buena esposa cristiana, al servicio de su esposo y su familia.
Pero es final es sorprendente... Doña Amparo no es tal, sino una presentadora liberal que está harta del papel que le toca cumplir para cubrir sus necesidades alimenticias. Se desenmascara ante el público mientras se escucha la sirena de la policía que viene a llevarse a la rebelde.
Second part of LA MUJER Y LA RADIO, the first part of which is AMPARITO TE AMPARA. The Civil War has just ended. The theater room continues to be the station for a program aimed at women. The stalls are the audience attending the broadcast live. Now the presenter is a grim woman: DOÑA AMPARO. She wears a Falangist shirt and a mantilla with a comb. She wears an eye patch and is missing one arm. Her slogans have changed. It is no longer talking about hot topics such as divorce or homosexuality, but it is about indoctrinating the woman so that she is a good Christian wife, at the service of her husband and her family. But the end is surprising ... Doña Amparo is not such, but a liberal presenter who is fed up with the role she has to fulfill to meet her nutritional needs. She unmasks herself to the public while listening to the police siren that comes to take the rebel away.
Second part of LA MUJER Y LA RADIO, the first part of which is AMPARITO TE AMPARA. The Civil War has just ended. The theater room continues to be the station for a program aimed at women. The stalls are the audience attending the broadcast live. Now the presenter is a grim woman: DOÑA AMPARO. She wears a Falangist shirt and a mantilla with a comb. She wears an eye patch and is missing one arm. Her slogans have changed. It is no longer talking about hot topics such as divorce or homosexuality, but it is about indoctrinating the woman so that she is a good Christian wife, at the service of her husband and her family. But the end is surprising ... Doña Amparo is not such, but a liberal presenter who is fed up with the role she has to fulfill to meet her nutritional needs. She unmasks herself to the public while listening to the police siren that comes to take the rebel away.
EspañolSpanish | |
ComediaComedy | |
3 | |
3 | |
1 | |
Teatro breveShort play | |
OtraOthers | |
20 Octubre 2016 | |
Centro Cultural SGAE VALENCIA | |
Imagenes no disponibles
Nota: “Todos los datos han sido aportados por los/as autores/as, por lo tanto, la AAT no se responsabiliza de su veracidad”.
Note: "All data have been provided by the authors, therefore, the AAT is not responsible for its accuracy".