Mme. Obdulia, the husband and her sister Mme. Olvido (piquant adulterous rhymes)
( 4 actir, que doblan. En verso cómico, inspirada en sigo XVII: boda pactada por los padres; no obstante, se gustan. Bien al principio; muchos hijos; ella recluida en casa, engorda, no se arregla, el dinero justo; él de juerga todas las noches. Llega la hermana de ella, más joven, rica. Acaba de quedarse viuda; es mujer decidida. Se entera de la situación y decide darle un escarmiento al marido el cual, desde que ha llegado, le echa los tejos sin recatarse. Finge hacerle caso; le da cita en la posada, también burdel, y va la hermana, vestida con su ropa. Última escena, muy divertida. Cama preparada para que, más tarde, ellos, una vez desnudos, salgan envueltos en la sábana. Antes en el dosel de la cama, asoman la cabeza un gallo (consejero de él) y una gallina (consejera de ella). Se suceden escenas jocosas. Duermen. Al despertar, él feliz por haber pasado la mejor noche de amor de su vida, se da cuenta, con asombro y enfado, que es con su mujer con la que ha dormido. Termina bien.
4 actors with dual roles. Comical rhymes inspired by the XVII century: an arranged marriage by the parents; though they like each other. Well at the beginning they have many children; she is always at home, gets fat, stops grooming, and has just enough money to survive; all while he parties every night. Her sister arrives, she is younger and wealthy. She just became a widow and is a determined woman. She finds out about her sister´s situation and decides to teach the husband a lesson: since her arrival she openly flirts with him. She pretends to care about him and arranges a date at the lodge, also a brothel, but is her sister who arrives, dressed with her clothes. The last scene is very funny. A made bed so they can later come out naked covered in sheets. Before, there were a hen´s head (her advisor) and a rooster´s head (his advisor) coming from the canopy. They go to sleep. When they wake up, he is happy because he has had the best love night in his life, but then he realises it was with his wife and gets upset. However, the play ends well.
4 actors with dual roles. Comical rhymes inspired by the XVII century: an arranged marriage by the parents; though they like each other. Well at the beginning they have many children; she is always at home, gets fat, stops grooming, and has just enough money to survive; all while he parties every night. Her sister arrives, she is younger and wealthy. She just became a widow and is a determined woman. She finds out about her sister´s situation and decides to teach the husband a lesson: since her arrival she openly flirts with him. She pretends to care about him and arranges a date at the lodge, also a brothel, but is her sister who arrives, dressed with her clothes. The last scene is very funny. A made bed so they can later come out naked covered in sheets. Before, there were a hen´s head (her advisor) and a rooster´s head (his advisor) coming from the canopy. They go to sleep. When they wake up, he is happy because he has had the best love night in his life, but then he realises it was with his wife and gets upset. However, the play ends well.
EspañolSpanish | |
ComediaComedy | |
3 | |
2 | |
2 | |
2 | |
60 - 90 min. | |
OtraOthers | |
Catalá, Deutch, Español, Euskera, Français, Galego, English, Português, Valencià, | |
1997 | |
1998 | |
Madrid | |
Dirección y 1ªactriz Tonia Albaladejo; hermana:Stella Manaut | |
Documento | |
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Note: "All data have been provided by the authors, therefore, the AAT is not responsible for its accuracy".