El hoyo 18 (2008)
The 18th hole (2008)
Al quedarse en paro, José y Pura han perdido sus piso y se han mudado a vivir debajo de un puente. Allí han tratado de crear una vivienda que, sumamente precaria, apenas alcanza la denominación de chabola. Él ha encontrado un semáforo para vender pañuelos, pero sufre la competencia de otros compañeros tan necesitados como él y con peores modales. Trata de pedir trabajo en una obra cercana. La abogada de la promotora no solo destruye su esperanza de un trabajo; le anuncia que justo en el terreno de “su casa” la Promotora va a construir el hoyo 18 de un campo de golf, y los conmina a desalojar los bajos del puente.
Finding themselves unemployed, José and Pura have lost their flat and are living under a bridge. The makeshift home they have set up there can barely be called a shack. José sells handkerchiefs at a traffic light, but suffers from the competition from other hawkers, no less needy than him, but with worse manners. He tries to find work on a nearby building site, but the developer’s lawyer not only destroys his hopes of getting a job: she also tells him that the site of their ‘home’ is earmarked to become the 18th hole of a gold course, and demands they clear out from under the bridge.
Finding themselves unemployed, José and Pura have lost their flat and are living under a bridge. The makeshift home they have set up there can barely be called a shack. José sells handkerchiefs at a traffic light, but suffers from the competition from other hawkers, no less needy than him, but with worse manners. He tries to find work on a nearby building site, but the developer’s lawyer not only destroys his hopes of getting a job: she also tells him that the site of their ‘home’ is earmarked to become the 18th hole of a gold course, and demands they clear out from under the bridge.
EspañolSpanish | |
Comedia DramáticaComedy drama | |
6 - 10 | |
4 | |
3 | |
1 | |
Teatro breveShort play | |
ContemporáneaContemporary | |
2008 | |
11/12/2008 | |
Centro Penitenciario Sevilla 1 (Mairena del Alcor) | |
Compañía Céfiro Teatro. Dirección: Isabel Martín Salinas | |
2011 | |
Junta de Andalucía. Consejería de Cultura | |
Documento | |
Texto completo | |
Dos de los personajes masculinos (Periodista y Cámara) pueden ser representados también por mujeres. | |
Imagenes no disponibles
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Note: "All data have been provided by the authors, therefore, the AAT is not responsible for its accuracy".