El niño erizo
The Hedgehog-Boy
"El niño erizo" está basada en un cuento del folclore popular alemán recogido por los hermanos Grimm. Una granjera ansía tener un hijo y, tras intentarlo por diversos medios —brebajes y conjuros, inclusive—, da a luz a un niño mitad humano, mitad erizo. Al crecer, y sintiéndose rechazado por su padre y por las gentes de la aldea, Juan decide huir al bosque. ¿Cómo se enfrenta un niño al desconcierto de asomarse al mundo y percibirse diferente? ¿Qué ocurre cuando no nos gustamos a nosotros mismos? ¿Qué sucede cuando los demás cuestionan permanentemente lo que somos? "El niño erizo" alude a temas de interés social como el acoso escolar y la tolerancia.
"El niño erizo" is based on a German folktale collected by the brothers Grimm. A farmer longs to have a son, and after trying by various means, —brews and spells included— she gives birth to a half-human, half-hedgehog baby. When he grows up, feeling rejected by his father and the village people, Juan decides to run away. How does a child face up to the confusion of looking out at the world and discovering himself to be different? What happens when we don’t like ourselves? What happens when the rest constantly question what we are? "El niño erizo" alludes to social issues of interest, such as school bullying and tolerance.
"El niño erizo" is based on a German folktale collected by the brothers Grimm. A farmer longs to have a son, and after trying by various means, —brews and spells included— she gives birth to a half-human, half-hedgehog baby. When he grows up, feeling rejected by his father and the village people, Juan decides to run away. How does a child face up to the confusion of looking out at the world and discovering himself to be different? What happens when we don’t like ourselves? What happens when the rest constantly question what we are? "El niño erizo" alludes to social issues of interest, such as school bullying and tolerance.
EspañolSpanish | |
Infantil y JuvenilChildren and Young People | |
2 | |
60 - 90 min. | |
2014 | |
2014 | |
Palacio de Festivales de Cantabria | |
La Machina Teatro. Dirección: Rita Cofiño-Francisco Valcarce; Reparto: Patricia Cercas y Fernando Madrazo; Autora: Diana I. Luque; Vestuario: Paula Roca; Escenografía e Iluminación: José Helguera y Víctor Lorenzo; Música original: Nacho Mastretta; Diseño gráfico: Pizzicato Estudio Gráfico; Producción. Distribución: Rocío Tagle; Grabación sonido: Jorge Ibáñez; Realización escenografía y attrezzo Habitar la línea, Díaz, Lorenzo y Madrazo; Construcción títeres: Miguel Ángel Infante; Creación audiovisual: Burbuja Films. | |
2024 | |
Ediciones Antígona | |
Documento | |
Premio Canica 2019 del Café de las Artes de Santander. // Candidata al XXII Premio Max de Teatro 2019, Mejor espectáculo infantil, juvenil o familiar. Recomendada para niños a partir de 6 años y público familiar. | |
Awarded the Premio Canica 2019, Café de las Artes in Santander. // Candidate to the XXII Premio Max de Teatro 2019, Best Play for Children, Young and Family Audiences. Recommended for children aged 6 and upward, and family audiences. |
Nota: “Todos los datos han sido aportados por los/as autores/as, por lo tanto, la AAT no se responsabiliza de su veracidad”.
Note: "All data have been provided by the authors, therefore, the AAT is not responsible for its accuracy".