La acción arranca a principios del siglo XXI, en el funeral por Eva, que se ha suicidado el mismo día en que cumple 20 años. Y se cierra de manera circular en el mismo tiempo y lugar en que comenzó.La obra es una incursión retrospectiva en el desaparecido siglo XX, que acaba de morir, como Eva, una de nuestras hijas, la semilla de nuestra generación, de todos nosotros, los que comenzamos a caminar a la sombra omnipresente del mayo del 68, hermanos menores de aquella otra generación que quiso hacer el amor y no la guerra. Las dos actrices y el actor que interpretan los tres personajes que componen la trama, están concebidos como seres de carne y hueso que realmente han existido. Y, al mismo tiempo, van encarnando en su devenir a las diversas corrientes de pensamiento. La irrupción de los grandes episodios de nuestra Transición: La muerte de Franco, el voto a la Constitución, el Golpe del 23 F… en la vida personal de estos personajes, provoca un interesante choque dramático que hace detonar situaciones variopintas, que dan a la obra una gran amenidad y ritmo escénico.
The action starts at the beginning of the 21st century, at the funeral for Eva, who has committed suicide the same day she turns 20. And it closes in a circular way at the same time and place in which it began. The work is a retrospective foray into the late 20th century, which has just died, like Eva, one of our daughters, the seed of our generation, of all of us. Those of us who began to walk in the omnipresent shadow of May 68, younger brothers of that other generation who wanted to make love and not war. The two actresses and the actor who play the three characters that make up the plot, are conceived as beings of flesh and blood that have really existed. And, at the same time, they incarnate in their becoming the various currents of thought. The irruption of the great episodes of our Transition: Franco's death, the vote for the Constitution, the Coup of 23 F... in the personal lives of these characters, provokes an interesting dramatic clash that detonates various situations, which lead to plays a great amenity and scenic rhythm.
The action starts at the beginning of the 21st century, at the funeral for Eva, who has committed suicide the same day she turns 20. And it closes in a circular way at the same time and place in which it began. The work is a retrospective foray into the late 20th century, which has just died, like Eva, one of our daughters, the seed of our generation, of all of us. Those of us who began to walk in the omnipresent shadow of May 68, younger brothers of that other generation who wanted to make love and not war. The two actresses and the actor who play the three characters that make up the plot, are conceived as beings of flesh and blood that have really existed. And, at the same time, they incarnate in their becoming the various currents of thought. The irruption of the great episodes of our Transition: Franco's death, the vote for the Constitution, the Coup of 23 F... in the personal lives of these characters, provokes an interesting dramatic clash that detonates various situations, which lead to plays a great amenity and scenic rhythm.
EspañolSpanish | |
Comedia DramáticaComedy drama | |
3 | |
1 | |
2 | |
Sin precisarUnspecified | |
60 - 90 min. | |
ContemporáneaContemporary | |
2005 | |
Murcia 2007 | |
Universidad de Murcia. Antología Teatral Española nº 45. | |
Documento | |
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Note: "All data have been provided by the authors, therefore, the AAT is not responsible for its accuracy".