¿Por qué una licenciada en Sociología con doctorado "cum laude" acaba ejerciendo la prostitución de alto standing? ¿Tal vez por negarse a decir amén a sus mentores? Cuando, sibilinamente, la serpiente académica le hizo saber que la contraseña de entrada a la docencia le sería proporcionada por sus virtudes en la cama, ella se empeñó, tercamente, en ganarla por sus méritos en el aula; así que, por insumisa, fue expulsada del Edén Universitario, y se buscó la vida fuera de las lindes del Paraíso Académico.
Why does a graduate in Sociology with a doctorate "cum laude" end up practicing high-class prostitution? Maybe for refusing to say amen to her mentors? When, siblinically, the academic snake let her know that the password to enter teaching would be provided by her virtues in her bed, she stubbornly insisted on winning it for her merits in the classroom; so she, by insubordinate, she was expelled from the University Eden, and she sought her life outside the boundaries of the Academic Paradise.
Why does a graduate in Sociology with a doctorate "cum laude" end up practicing high-class prostitution? Maybe for refusing to say amen to her mentors? When, siblinically, the academic snake let her know that the password to enter teaching would be provided by her virtues in her bed, she stubbornly insisted on winning it for her merits in the classroom; so she, by insubordinate, she was expelled from the University Eden, and she sought her life outside the boundaries of the Academic Paradise.
EspañolSpanish | |
Comedia DramáticaComedy drama | |
1 | |
1 | |
Sin precisarUnspecified | |
Teatro breveShort play | |
ContemporáneaContemporary | |
2014 | |
2 junio 2014 | |
Círculo de Bellas Artes, Madrid | |
Interpretado por Lola Baldrich. Dirección: José Gómez. | |
Documento | |
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Note: "All data have been provided by the authors, therefore, the AAT is not responsible for its accuracy".