Ex humo
Ex humo
Roma, Italia, Sacro Imperio; finales del siglo IX. Una década de luchas entre tres candidatos al trono sacará lo peor de la naturaleza humana; incluso desenterrar el cuerpo de su rival para celebrar contra sus restos un juicio sumario. Es lo que se ha conocido como el “Sínodo del terror” o “Concilio cadavérico”, una parábola sobre los límites del poder y sus más bajas miserias. La macabra historia del papa Formoso nos sirve como radiografía del odio y el populismo, un tipo de política que, a pesar de sus rápidos resultados, no llega muy lejos… en ninguna época.
Rome, Italy, Holy Empire; end of the 9th century. A decade of fighting between three candidates for the throne will bring out the worst in human nature; even unearth the body of his rival to hold a summary trial against his remains. It is what has been known as the “Synod of Terror” or “Cadaveric Council”, a parable about the limits of power and its lowest miseries. The macabre story of Pope Formosus serves as an x-ray of hatred and populism, a type of politics that, despite its rapid results, does not go very far... at any time.
Rome, Italy, Holy Empire; end of the 9th century. A decade of fighting between three candidates for the throne will bring out the worst in human nature; even unearth the body of his rival to hold a summary trial against his remains. It is what has been known as the “Synod of Terror” or “Cadaveric Council”, a parable about the limits of power and its lowest miseries. The macabre story of Pope Formosus serves as an x-ray of hatred and populism, a type of politics that, despite its rapid results, does not go very far... at any time.
EspañolSpanish | |
DramaDrama | |
6 - 10 | |
6 - 10 | |
2 | |
1 | |
60 - 90 min. | |
OtraOthers | |
Español, | |
2023 | |
Octubre 2023 | |
Irreverentes | |
DocumentoDocument | |
https://asieraparicio.wixsite.com/asieraparicio/exhumo-elcordel https://asieraparicio.wixsite.com/asieraparicio/ex-humo-el-cordel https://www.edicionesirreverentes.com/teatro/ex_humo.html | |
https://asieraparicio.wixsite.com/asieraparicio/exhumo-elcordel https://asieraparicio.wixsite.com/asieraparicio/ex-humo-el-cordel https://www.edicionesirreverentes.com/teatro/ex_humo.html |
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Note: "All data have been provided by the authors, therefore, the AAT is not responsible for its accuracy".