Ex–preso a Bélgica
Express to Belgium
Huidobro acaba de fugarse de la cárcel. Se esconde en casa de una familia bastante peculiar, compuesta por un viejo lingüista parapléjico, una niña resabida y caprichosa, y una vidente aficionada a esnifar pegamento. La huida de Huidobro se ve comprometida por la repentina muerte del viejo y la necesidad de esconder el cadáver ante la inesperada visita de un policía, novio de la niña.
“Ex-preso a Bélgica” es una comedia grotesca con tintes de vodevil que reflexiona sobre las relaciones afectivas, los anhelos y el uso del lenguaje.
Huidobro has just escaped from prison. He hides in the home of a quite peculiar family, made up of an old paraplegic linguist, a highly-opinionated and capricious girl, and a seer keen on sniffing glue. Huidobro’s escape is compromised by the old man’s sudden death and the need to hide the corpse at the unexpected visit of a policeman, the girl’s boyfriend. “Ex-preso a Bélgica” is a grotesque comedy with vaudeville overtones that reflects on the emotional relations, the yearnings and the use of language.
Huidobro has just escaped from prison. He hides in the home of a quite peculiar family, made up of an old paraplegic linguist, a highly-opinionated and capricious girl, and a seer keen on sniffing glue. Huidobro’s escape is compromised by the old man’s sudden death and the need to hide the corpse at the unexpected visit of a policeman, the girl’s boyfriend. “Ex-preso a Bélgica” is a grotesque comedy with vaudeville overtones that reflects on the emotional relations, the yearnings and the use of language.
EspañolSpanish | |
ComediaComedy | |
6 - 10 | |
3 | |
3 | |
60 - 90 min. | |
ContemporáneaContemporary | |
2009 | |
2009 | |
LUQUE, Diana I. Ex–preso a Bélgica, en V.V.A.A. Teatro Piezas breves (Curso 2008-2009) Alumnos RESAD. Madrid: Fundamentos, 2009, pp. 73-101. ISBN: 978-84-245-1191-3 | |
Documento | |
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