Felicidad, marca registrada
Happiness, Trademark
"El publicista Félix vende felicidad, satisfacción de unas necesidades que en algunos casos han de ser primero creadas para después cubrirlas; artificio, en suma. Diana I. Luque sitúa su drama en la pequeña escala de su entorno inmediato, familiar y laboral, y en el más amplio de una epidemia; pero todavía lo acrecienta cuando lo emparenta con la Creación desde un punto de vista religioso. Que algunos personajes se llamen como los evangelistas, que el mismo Félix se apellide Salvador o que los publicistas hablen de Cristo como un hacedor de eslóganes, son elementos que nos van conduciendo a un cuestionamiento de las nociones de crear y de creer.
La tensión entre lo público y lo privado es una de las muchas cualidades de la escritura de Diana I. Luque, como también el escepticismo sin cinismo o la elegancia sin manierismo". PEDRO VÍLLORA
“The publicist Félix sells happiness: the satisfaction of needs that in some cases first have to be created in order to fulfil them later; artifice, in short. Diana I. Luque sets her drama in the small scale of its immediate surroundings, family and working life; and in the bigger picture of an epidemic. But she even broadens it by relating it to the Creation from a religious perspective. The fact that some characters are named after the Evangelists, that Félix’s very surname is Salvador, or that the publicists talk about Christ as a slogan-maker, are elements that lead us to question the notions “to create” and “to believe.” The tension between the public and the private is one of the many qualities of Diana I. Luque’s writing, as well as the scepticism without cynicism, or the elegance without mannerism.” PEDRO VÍLLORA
“The publicist Félix sells happiness: the satisfaction of needs that in some cases first have to be created in order to fulfil them later; artifice, in short. Diana I. Luque sets her drama in the small scale of its immediate surroundings, family and working life; and in the bigger picture of an epidemic. But she even broadens it by relating it to the Creation from a religious perspective. The fact that some characters are named after the Evangelists, that Félix’s very surname is Salvador, or that the publicists talk about Christ as a slogan-maker, are elements that lead us to question the notions “to create” and “to believe.” The tension between the public and the private is one of the many qualities of Diana I. Luque’s writing, as well as the scepticism without cynicism, or the elegance without mannerism.” PEDRO VÍLLORA
EspañolSpanish | |
Comedia DramáticaComedy drama | |
6 - 10 | |
6 - 10 | |
3 | |
90 - 120 min. | |
ContemporáneaContemporary | |
2010 | |
2011 | |
LUQUE, Diana I. Felicidad, marca registrada, en LUQUE, Diana I. y Paula PARRA BRUNA, Promoción RESAD 2010. Madrid: Fundamentos, 2011. pp. 13-105. ISBN: 978-84-245-1243-9 | |
Documento | |
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