Hombres de paja
Los Ángeles, años 50, en un club de alterne. Noah anuncia que su cliente Mr. Strawman ha muerto en su compañía. En el club, esa misma noche, se halla el alcalde Puppet con su amante Ms. Lehman; para completar el pastel, dos reporteros de la prensa amarilla. El cadáver presenta una erección poco oportuna e imposible de disimular. La trama se complica con la hipótesis del asesinato… y muchos intereses enfrentados.
Los Angeles, 1950s, in a hostess club. Noah announces that his client Mr. Strawman has died at his company. At the club, that same night, there is Mayor Puppet with his lover Ms. Lehman; To complete the cake, two reporters from the yellow press. The corpse has an inopportune erection that is impossible to conceal. The plot is complicated by the murder hypothesis... and many competing interests.
Los Angeles, 1950s, in a hostess club. Noah announces that his client Mr. Strawman has died at his company. At the club, that same night, there is Mayor Puppet with his lover Ms. Lehman; To complete the cake, two reporters from the yellow press. The corpse has an inopportune erection that is impossible to conceal. The plot is complicated by the murder hypothesis... and many competing interests.
Nota: “Todos los datos han sido aportados por los/as autores/as, por lo tanto, la AAT no se responsabiliza de su veracidad”.
Note: "All data have been provided by the authors, therefore, the AAT is not responsible for its accuracy".