Hugo y Emmy se burlan de todo y de nada… dadá
Hugo and Emmy make fun of everything and nothing ... give
La acción transcurre hace más de un siglo, en 1913, en el ruidoso café Simplicissimus de Munich donde actúa la cantante, poeta y performer Emmy Hennings, estrella del cabaret alemán, ataviada con un procaz vestido que ridiculiza el hábito de un obispo protestante. El poeta y ensayista Hugo Ball la acaba de conocer y aplaudir. Esta noche llena de humo y deseo aún no saben que compartirán vidas, excentricidades y acabarán creando en Zurich en Cabaret Voltaire, cuna y matriz del dadaísmo, donde se burlarán de la cultura oficial con poemas sin palabras y representaciones furiosas, como la que acaba de realizar Emmy... Aunque en este primer contacto se anuncia ya con claridad inusitada y con ausencia de toda lógica daDA... DADÁ.
The action takes place more than a century ago, in 1913, in the noisy Simplicissimus café in Munich where the singer, poet and performer Emmy Hennings, star of the German cabaret, performs, dressed in a lewd dress that ridicules the habit of a Protestant bishop. The poet and essayist Hugo Ball has just met her and applauded her. This night full of smoke and desire they still do not know that they will share lives, eccentricities and will end up creating in Zurich in Cabaret Voltaire, cradle and matrix of Dadaism, where they will mock the official culture with words without words and furious representations, like the one that has just been perform Emmy ... Although in this first contact it is already announced with unusual clarity and with the absence of any logic givenDA ... DADÁ.
The action takes place more than a century ago, in 1913, in the noisy Simplicissimus café in Munich where the singer, poet and performer Emmy Hennings, star of the German cabaret, performs, dressed in a lewd dress that ridicules the habit of a Protestant bishop. The poet and essayist Hugo Ball has just met her and applauded her. This night full of smoke and desire they still do not know that they will share lives, eccentricities and will end up creating in Zurich in Cabaret Voltaire, cradle and matrix of Dadaism, where they will mock the official culture with words without words and furious representations, like the one that has just been perform Emmy ... Although in this first contact it is already announced with unusual clarity and with the absence of any logic givenDA ... DADÁ.
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Revista digital Afán de Plan. Valencia | |
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