La imagen del tren que quema sus vagones para ir más rápido es de los hermanos Marx. Recogiéndola, tenemos la alegoría de un mundo que camina sin rumbo marcado (a excepción del dinero) hacia su perdición, con una débil democracia y con gente engañada. Y toda solución sensata que se propone resulta “inviable” para los que conducen la máquina.
Obra ideal para talleres de teatro.
The image of the train that burns its cars to go faster is from the Marx brothers. Collecting it, we have the allegory of a world that walks without a marked direction (except for money) towards its perdition, with a weak democracy and with deceived people. And any sensible solution that is proposed is “unviable” for those who drive the machine. Ideal play for theater workshops.
The image of the train that burns its cars to go faster is from the Marx brothers. Collecting it, we have the allegory of a world that walks without a marked direction (except for money) towards its perdition, with a weak democracy and with deceived people. And any sensible solution that is proposed is “unviable” for those who drive the machine. Ideal play for theater workshops.
EspañolSpanish | |
DramaDrama | |
11 - 15 | |
11 - 15 | |
3 | |
1 | |
Teatro breveShort play | |
AtemporalAny | |
Español, | |
1996 | |
2011 | |
Artgerust | |
Texto completoFull text | | | | |
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Note: "All data have been provided by the authors, therefore, the AAT is not responsible for its accuracy".