La araña muda
The silent spider
“La araña muda” es ese insecto con tentáculos y duro caparazón, siempre a la defensiva, en un mundo de sordos y relaciones interesadas. Su veneno es el poso agrio del desamor, el descrédito mal tragado de un ambiente que obliga. Son las minorías, los que llamamos “marginados”; somos... ¡todos!
“The silent spider” is that insect with tentacles and a hard shell, always on the defensive, in a world of deaf people and interested relationships. Its poison is the sour residue of lack of love, the poorly swallowed discredit of an environment that forces. They are the minorities, those we call “marginalized”; we are all!
“The silent spider” is that insect with tentacles and a hard shell, always on the defensive, in a world of deaf people and interested relationships. Its poison is the sour residue of lack of love, the poorly swallowed discredit of an environment that forces. They are the minorities, those we call “marginalized”; we are all!
EspañolSpanish | |
Comedia DramáticaComedy drama | |
5 | |
3 | |
2 | |
1 | |
Teatro breveShort play | |
ContemporáneaContemporary | |
Español, | |
1997 | |
2011 | |
Artgerust | |
Texto completoFull text | | | | |
Nota: “Todos los datos han sido aportados por los/as autores/as, por lo tanto, la AAT no se responsabiliza de su veracidad”.
Note: "All data have been provided by the authors, therefore, the AAT is not responsible for its accuracy".