La maldición de Quirón
El parecido físico de Patricia con una famosa actriz es el detonante de una admiración obsesiva con un trasfondo de envidia. Este personaje, gravemente perturbado, por la influencia negativa de una madre castrante, es capaz de llegar a asesinar, como reacción a sentirse rechazada.
The physical similarity between Patricia and a famous actress is the spark of an obsessive admiration with a background of envy. This character, seriously perturbed by the negative influence of a castrating mother, is capable of murder, as a reaction of feeling rejected.
The physical similarity between Patricia and a famous actress is the spark of an obsessive admiration with a background of envy. This character, seriously perturbed by the negative influence of a castrating mother, is capable of murder, as a reaction of feeling rejected.
EspañolSpanish | |
DramaDrama | |
1 | |
1 | |
60 - 90 min. | |
AtemporalAny | |
1996 | |
12/12/1996 | |
Palacio de Benacazón, Toledo | |
Agosto de 2018 | |
Consejería de Cultura de Castilla-La Mancha | |
“La maldición de Quirón” se estrenó el 12 de diciembre de 1996, con dirección de Manuel Chavero, en el Patio del Palacio de Benacazón de Toledo, sede de la Obra Social y Cultural de CCM. Inauguró la Primera Feria de Teatro de Castilla-La Mancha en 1997 y fue finalista del V Certamen Nacional de Monólogos de Tomelloso. | |
“Chiron´s Curse” was premiered on the 12th of December of 1996, directed by Manuel Chavero in the Patio of the Palace of Benacazón, in Toledo, headquarters of the Social and Cultural Work of CCM. It opened the First Theatrical Fair of Castilla La Mancha in 1997 and was a finalist in the V National Competition of Monologues of Tomelloso. |
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Note: "All data have been provided by the authors, therefore, the AAT is not responsible for its accuracy".