La Torre del Silencio
The Tower of Silence
Una mujer se pierde en el desierto, la rescata el perro de un Nassesalar, un hombre santo, un sacerdote que vive solo en un cementerio de su religión, el Mazdaísmo. La mujer viene a remover el mundo impoluto del hombre santo, haciendo que se plantee su propia existencia. La obra habla del choque de culturas, de la tradición, de los mundos masculinos y femeninos, de la pasión, el deseo, el sexo y el amor.
Puede ser descargada íntegramente en la sección de fragmento.
Lost in the desert, a woman is rescued by the dog of a Nassaselar, a holy man or priest who lives alone in a cemetery sacred to his religion, Zoroastrianism. The woman’s arrival disturbs the purity of the holy man’s world, leading him to question his very existence. The Tower of Silence explores culture clash, tradition, the male and female worlds, passion, desire, sex and love. The play can be downloaded in its entirety from the ‘fragments’ section.
Lost in the desert, a woman is rescued by the dog of a Nassaselar, a holy man or priest who lives alone in a cemetery sacred to his religion, Zoroastrianism. The woman’s arrival disturbs the purity of the holy man’s world, leading him to question his very existence. The Tower of Silence explores culture clash, tradition, the male and female worlds, passion, desire, sex and love. The play can be downloaded in its entirety from the ‘fragments’ section.
Nota: “Todos los datos han sido aportados por los/as autores/as, por lo tanto, la AAT no se responsabiliza de su veracidad”.
Note: "All data have been provided by the authors, therefore, the AAT is not responsible for its accuracy".