Viaje onírico a los exilios de la pintora Manuela Ballester, mujer de Renau, en el clima plástico y musical de las vanguardias de su tiempo.
En 2011 Antonia Bueno escribió un breve e intenso relato sobre Manuela Ballester: Manolita en la frontera, que quedó finalista en el X Certamen de Narrativa Breve, Mujeres en el Arte 2011, del Ayuntamiento de Valencia.
En él, Manolita, como era llamada por todos, desgrana con su propia voz el continuo éxodo en que consistió su vida, desde el cruce de la frontera pirenaica huyendo de la Guerra Civil, hasta el cruce de su última frontera y su estancia en el cementerio berlinés.
Ese fue el texto base sobre el que creó esta propuesta escénico-plástica.
Dream trip to the exiles of the painter Manuela Ballester, woman of Renau, in the plastic and musical climate of the vanguards of her time. In 2011, Antonia Bueno wrote a short and intense story about Manuela Ballester: Manolita en la frontera, who was a finalist in the X Short Story Contest, Women in Art 2011, of the Valencia City Council. In it, Manolita, as she was called by everyone, sheds in her own voice the continuous exodus in which her life consisted, from the crossing of the Pyrenean border, fleeing from the Civil War, to the crossing of her last frontier and her stay at the Berlin cemetery. That was the basic text on which he created this scenic-plastic proposal.
Dream trip to the exiles of the painter Manuela Ballester, woman of Renau, in the plastic and musical climate of the vanguards of her time. In 2011, Antonia Bueno wrote a short and intense story about Manuela Ballester: Manolita en la frontera, who was a finalist in the X Short Story Contest, Women in Art 2011, of the Valencia City Council. In it, Manolita, as she was called by everyone, sheds in her own voice the continuous exodus in which her life consisted, from the crossing of the Pyrenean border, fleeing from the Civil War, to the crossing of her last frontier and her stay at the Berlin cemetery. That was the basic text on which he created this scenic-plastic proposal.
EspañolSpanish | |
DramaDrama | |
1 | |
1 | |
Sin precisarUnspecified | |
Teatro breveShort play | |
OtraOthers | |
2011 | |
Octubre 2012 | |
2017 | |
Universidad de Almería | |
Documento | |
Imagenes no disponibles
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Note: "All data have been provided by the authors, therefore, the AAT is not responsible for its accuracy".