Obra para niños y jóvenes galardonada con el XVI Premio ASSITEJ.Construida en verso, su energía vital sorprendente y contagiosa nos convierte en niños que se dejan llevar por la música del flautista de Hamelin. La acción comienza en el que podríamos considerar peor lugar de la tierra: un vertedero rebosante de basuras. Sin embargo, desde el principio, se produce un guiño burlón hacia el espectador: del cúmulo de desperdicios sale una sinfonía de ronquidos. Y donde hay música, late la creatividad y la vida.Nueve personajes: un viejo libro de latín, un mendrugo seco, una botella con una sola gota, un bidón de gasolina casi vacío, una gastada pastilla de jabón, tres mondas lirondas y dos bandas urbanas, recorren los laberintos de nuestra ciudad, las cloacas “que están llenas de caca”…, hasta llegar a la planta de Reciclaje, donde una vieja alquimista, la gran “residuóloga” que canta en esdrújulas “como gran melómana y ave mitológica”, les transmuta en oro alquímico. Convertidos en una hermosa máscara de teatro, emprenden la aventura escénica.
Theatre play for children and young people awarded the XVI Premio ASSITEJ. Though written in verse, its vital energy is surprising and contagious, transforming us into mesmerised children following the pied piper of Hamelin. The action starts at what could be considered the worst place on Earth: a dumpster filled up with rubbish. However, ever since the beginning, there is a sardonic wink to the audience: a symphony of snores comes from the crammed debris. And, wherever there is music, life and creativity beat. Nine characters: an old Latin book, a dry crust of bread, a bottle with only a droplet left, an almost empty petrol can, a half-used soap bar, three peels and two urban music bands traverse the labyrinths of our city, the sewers “filled with poop”... until they arrive to the recycling plant, where an old alchemist, the great “debridologyst” sings using proparoxytone words “such as melomaniac and mythological bird”, transforming them into alchemical gold. Turned into a beautiful theatre mask, this characters set out on a scenic adventure.
Theatre play for children and young people awarded the XVI Premio ASSITEJ. Though written in verse, its vital energy is surprising and contagious, transforming us into mesmerised children following the pied piper of Hamelin. The action starts at what could be considered the worst place on Earth: a dumpster filled up with rubbish. However, ever since the beginning, there is a sardonic wink to the audience: a symphony of snores comes from the crammed debris. And, wherever there is music, life and creativity beat. Nine characters: an old Latin book, a dry crust of bread, a bottle with only a droplet left, an almost empty petrol can, a half-used soap bar, three peels and two urban music bands traverse the labyrinths of our city, the sewers “filled with poop”... until they arrive to the recycling plant, where an old alchemist, the great “debridologyst” sings using proparoxytone words “such as melomaniac and mythological bird”, transforming them into alchemical gold. Turned into a beautiful theatre mask, this characters set out on a scenic adventure.
EspañolSpanish | |
Infantil y JuvenilChildren and Young People | |
11 - 15 | |
3 | |
6 - 10 | |
> 3 | |
90 - 120 min. | |
ContemporáneaContemporary | |
Español, | |
2008 | |
Madrid 2010 | |
Colección de Teatro ASSITEJ España, nº 14. Premio ASSITEJ España de Teatro para la Infancia y la Juventud 2010. | |
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Note: "All data have been provided by the authors, therefore, the AAT is not responsible for its accuracy".