Plató de TV. Luces potentes y música radiante. Un locutor muy obeso con sonrisa «netol» presenta la final del concurso más trepidante. Los finalistas son las personas que han atentado contra el supuesto «progreso» y son sancionados con diversos castigos.El ganador es un conocido periodista, acusado de «hincar los codos», tener relaciones monógamas y otras cuantas «osadías». Sobre todo la última: ni más ni menos, que… publicar un texto en la Sacrosanta Era del Audiovisual. Y, para colmo, un texto herético, compendio de todas sus «blasfemias», poniendo en cuestión el Sagrado Dogma del Calentamiento Global. Su fotografía es quemada ante los rugidos de los espectadores Pieza sobre la intransigencia a la que conduce el «pensamiento único».
TV set. Powerful lights and blazing music. A very obese announcer with a «netol» smile presents the final of the most exciting contest. The finalists are the people who have attempted against the supposed "progress" and are sanctioned with various punishments. The winner is a well-known journalist, accused of "kneeling the elbows", having monogamous relationships and a few other "daring". Especially the last one: neither more nor less, than ... publishing a text in the Sacrosanct Audiovisual Era. And, to top it all, a heretical text, a compendium of all his "blasphemies", calling into question the Sacred Dogma of Global Warming. The photograph of him is burned before the roars of the spectators Piece about intransigence to which the «single thought» leads.
TV set. Powerful lights and blazing music. A very obese announcer with a «netol» smile presents the final of the most exciting contest. The finalists are the people who have attempted against the supposed "progress" and are sanctioned with various punishments. The winner is a well-known journalist, accused of "kneeling the elbows", having monogamous relationships and a few other "daring". Especially the last one: neither more nor less, than ... publishing a text in the Sacrosanct Audiovisual Era. And, to top it all, a heretical text, a compendium of all his "blasphemies", calling into question the Sacred Dogma of Global Warming. The photograph of him is burned before the roars of the spectators Piece about intransigence to which the «single thought» leads.
EspañolSpanish | |
ComediaComedy | |
1 | |
1 | |
Sin precisarUnspecified | |
Teatro breveShort play | |
ContemporáneaContemporary | |
2007 | |
Imagenes no disponibles
Nota: “Todos los datos han sido aportados por los/as autores/as, por lo tanto, la AAT no se responsabiliza de su veracidad”.
Note: "All data have been provided by the authors, therefore, the AAT is not responsible for its accuracy".