Sueños de identidad
Dreams of Identity
En los tres días de las fiestas mayores de Alcázar del Rey, ciudad fronteriza entre España y Portugal (cuyo referente real no es otro que la localidad extremeña de Olivenza, reivindicada por Portugal desde la Guerra de las Naranjas, a comienzos del s.XIX, preludio de la invasión napoleónica en la península) se produce una situación en el límite: el alcalde que, interpretando a su modo la nueva política europea, pretende cambiar el nombre tradicional de su pueblo; y un comando de tozudos lugareños que, viendo en ello una ofensa contra la identidad de las que sólo pueden lavarse con sangre, deciden secuestrarlo a él y a la alcaldesa de la vecina villa portuguesa con la que está liado, para así doblar sus voluntades.
Over three days, the town of Alcázar del Rey, on the border between Spain and Portugal, celebrates is fiestas mayores, the annual town festival. (The town’s real-life inspiration is Olivenza, a town in Extramadura claimed by Portugal since the 1801 War of the Oranges, a prelude to Napoleon’s invasion of the Iberian Peninsula.) A situation arises on the border: the mayor, interpreting a new European policy in his own way, intends to change the town’s traditional name. But a commando unit of stubborn townsfolk, seeing this as an offense against the identities of those who can only wash themselves with blood, decide to kidnap him, and the mayor of the neighbouring Portuguese town with whom he is having an affair, in order to make them change their minds.
Over three days, the town of Alcázar del Rey, on the border between Spain and Portugal, celebrates is fiestas mayores, the annual town festival. (The town’s real-life inspiration is Olivenza, a town in Extramadura claimed by Portugal since the 1801 War of the Oranges, a prelude to Napoleon’s invasion of the Iberian Peninsula.) A situation arises on the border: the mayor, interpreting a new European policy in his own way, intends to change the town’s traditional name. But a commando unit of stubborn townsfolk, seeing this as an offense against the identities of those who can only wash themselves with blood, decide to kidnap him, and the mayor of the neighbouring Portuguese town with whom he is having an affair, in order to make them change their minds.
ComediaComedy | |
3 | |
60 - 90 min. | |
Imagenes no disponibles
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Note: "All data have been provided by the authors, therefore, the AAT is not responsible for its accuracy".