TRAPOS SUCIOS, Premio «Ateneu» de Paterna, 2012
Dirty laundry
Amado, casado con Virginia, fue adoptado. Su nieto Quique, rastreando por Internet, encuentra a una anciana que conoció a su abuelo de niño y puede darle pistas sobre quiénes fueron sus padres biológicos, y se empeña en que vayan a visitarla. Virginia se opone, porque tiene un mal presentimiento, pero Amado la convence, y allí se enfrentan a una verdad terrible.
Amado, an adoptee, is married to Virginia. Searching online, their grandson, Quique, finds an old woman who knew his grandfather as a child and may hold clues to the identity of his biological parents. He insists on visiting her. Fearing the worst, Virginia resists, but Amado convinces her, only to face a terrible truth.
Amado, an adoptee, is married to Virginia. Searching online, their grandson, Quique, finds an old woman who knew his grandfather as a child and may hold clues to the identity of his biological parents. He insists on visiting her. Fearing the worst, Virginia resists, but Amado convinces her, only to face a terrible truth.
EspañolSpanish | |
TragediaTragedy | |
3 | |
2 | |
3 | |
2 | |
Teatro breveShort play | |
OtraOthers | |
Valencià, | |
2012 | |
2013 | |
Salón Capri, Paterna, Valencia | |
Compañía "Plaça del negret" | |
Editorial Iaspis, Atenas, 2015, publicada por S. Rodarellis en castellano. Editorial Bubok 2017 (Antología "A la tardecica"). | |
Documento | |
Texto completo | |
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Note: "All data have been provided by the authors, therefore, the AAT is not responsible for its accuracy".