UTA 3736
uta 3736
Sobre la tragedia del metro ocurrida en Valencia en 2007.
Dos chicas tumbadas en sendas camas de hospital. Una de ellas tiene la piel muy blanca, la otra es tostada. Tienen una edad similar, unos 23 años. Silencio plácido de una noche hospitalaria. Ambas parecen descansar. La de piel tostada abre los ojos y se incorpora asustada, mirando a su alrededor…¿Han sobrevivido a la tragedia?... ¿Están muertas?... Estas dos jóvenes son muy diferentes, pero acaban encontrando un nexo común que las hace llevar a escribir una obra de teatro que comienza con estas mismas palabras.Reflexión sobre la emigración, la relación entre las mujeres, la vida y la muerte.
About the metro tragedy that occurred in Valencia in 2007. Two girls lying on hospital beds. One of them has very white skin, the other is tan. They are of a similar age, about 23 years old. The placid silence of a hospitable night. They both seem to be resting. The tanned-skinned woman opens her eyes and stands up scared, looking around ... Have they survived the tragedy? ... Are they dead? ... These two young women are very different, but they end up finding a common link that makes them lead to writing a play that begins with these same words. Reflection on emigration, the relationship between women, life and death.
About the metro tragedy that occurred in Valencia in 2007. Two girls lying on hospital beds. One of them has very white skin, the other is tan. They are of a similar age, about 23 years old. The placid silence of a hospitable night. They both seem to be resting. The tanned-skinned woman opens her eyes and stands up scared, looking around ... Have they survived the tragedy? ... Are they dead? ... These two young women are very different, but they end up finding a common link that makes them lead to writing a play that begins with these same words. Reflection on emigration, the relationship between women, life and death.
EspañolSpanish | |
DramaDrama | |
2 | |
2 | |
1 | |
Teatro breveShort play | |
ContemporáneaContemporary | |
2006 | |
Madrid 2014 | |
DRAMATURGAS DEL SIGLO XXI, edición de Francisco Gutiérrez Carbajo. CÁTEDRA LETRAS HISPÁNICAS | |
Documento | |
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Note: "All data have been provided by the authors, therefore, the AAT is not responsible for its accuracy".