Su protagonista es Teresa, una mujer nacida en Alcoy y perdida en un país de fábula, Australia, al que llegó con cuatro años de edad.La acción se desarrolla el 21 de julio de 2009, aniversario de la llegada del hombre a la Luna y 40 cumpleaños de Teresa Amorós, en la sala de espera del aeropuerto de Sydney, durante el retraso de su avión con destino a España, donde regresa treinta y seis años después. A lo largo de una hora intensa, el aeropuerto se desdobla en decenas de fractales de espacio-tiempo, en los que Teresa se pierde y se reencuentra, recorriendo los escenarios más significativos de su vida, manteniendo un combate tragicómico contra su miedo a volar y a ser una mujer adulta e intentando reconstruir una imagen sólida de sí misma. La pantalla–panel informativo de vuelos es la memoria personal e histórica, conducida a través de los fragmentos del Betlem del Tirisiti, espectáculo de marionetas, clásico en las Navidades alcoyanas.
Its protagonist is Teresa, a woman born in Alcoy and lost in a fabled country, Australia, where she arrived when she was four years old. The action takes place on July 21, 2009, the anniversary of the man's arrival on the Moon and Teresa Amorós' 40th birthday, in the waiting room of the Sydney airport, during the delay of her plane bound for Spain, where she returns thirty-six years later. Throughout an intense hour, the airport unfolds into dozens of space-time fractals, in which Teresa loses herself and finds herself again, going through the most significant scenarios of her life, maintaining a tragicomic combat against her fear of flying and being a grown woman and trying to rebuild a solid image of herself. The flight information screen-panel is the personal and historical memory, conducted through the fragments of the Betlem del Tirisiti, a puppet show, classic at Christmas in Alcoy.
Its protagonist is Teresa, a woman born in Alcoy and lost in a fabled country, Australia, where she arrived when she was four years old. The action takes place on July 21, 2009, the anniversary of the man's arrival on the Moon and Teresa Amorós' 40th birthday, in the waiting room of the Sydney airport, during the delay of her plane bound for Spain, where she returns thirty-six years later. Throughout an intense hour, the airport unfolds into dozens of space-time fractals, in which Teresa loses herself and finds herself again, going through the most significant scenarios of her life, maintaining a tragicomic combat against her fear of flying and being a grown woman and trying to rebuild a solid image of herself. The flight information screen-panel is the personal and historical memory, conducted through the fragments of the Betlem del Tirisiti, a puppet show, classic at Christmas in Alcoy.
EspañolSpanish | |
Comedia DramáticaComedy drama | |
3 | |
1 | |
2 | |
Sin precisarUnspecified | |
60 - 90 min. | |
ContemporáneaContemporary | |
2009 | |
12 Junio 2010 | |
XX MOSTRA DE TEATRE D´ALCOI. Teatro Principal | |
Interpretes: Antonia Bueno, Josep Albert y Begoña Río. Dirección: Olga Peris. | |
La obra está coescrita por Antonia Bueno y Fernando Bellón. Recibió una ayuda a la escritura teatral de la Generalitat Valenciana en 2009 Existe una versión para monólogo de una actriz. | |
Imagenes no disponibles
Nota: “Todos los datos han sido aportados por los/as autores/as, por lo tanto, la AAT no se responsabiliza de su veracidad”.
Note: "All data have been provided by the authors, therefore, the AAT is not responsible for its accuracy".