Wände_Wunde (Muros_Herida)
Celebrando los treinta años desde la caída del Muro de Berlín, nos preguntamos: ¿podemos, realmente, interpretar la historia? Para muchos, la caída del infausto muro fue en su momento la efeméride definitiva del siglo XX, “El final de la Historia”. Para nosotros coincidió con el inicio de nuestra historia, la de nuestra vida.
Queriendo comprender lo que significó entonces, investigamos sobre lo que somos ahora; y nos situamos como Un Individuo cualquiera en el cisma polarizado del Berlín en torno a El Muro, una herida abierta en el corazón de Europa.
Sobre los escombros de un siglo, ése ser humano establece un pacto con El Sistema, aquel que reunifica a la traumatizada patria de Alemania, y a la masa dividida de ciudadanos del Este y del Oeste. Un viaje en el que el origen podría ser la meta, en el que descubrir si nosotros construimos la historia o si es la historia la que nos compone.
Celebrating thirty years since the fall of the Berlin Wall, we ask ourselves: can we really interpret history? For many, the fall of the infamous wall was at the time the definitive event of the 20th century, “The end of History”. For us, for Alba, Ángel, Aarón, Andrea, Jose Juan, Raquel and Julio, it coincided with the beginning of our story, that of our life. That is why this anniversary celebration is crossed by what we have remembered and what we have forgotten. Wanting to understand what it meant then, we investigate what we are now; and we place ourselves as Any Individual in the polarized schism of Berlin around The Wall, an open wound in the heart of Europe. On the rubble of a century, that HUMAN BEING establishes a pact with THE SYSTEM, the one that reunites the traumatized HOMELAND of Germany, and the divided mass of CITIZENS of EAST and WEST. A journey in which the origin could be the goal, in which to discover if we built the story or if it is the story that makes us up.
Celebrating thirty years since the fall of the Berlin Wall, we ask ourselves: can we really interpret history? For many, the fall of the infamous wall was at the time the definitive event of the 20th century, “The end of History”. For us, for Alba, Ángel, Aarón, Andrea, Jose Juan, Raquel and Julio, it coincided with the beginning of our story, that of our life. That is why this anniversary celebration is crossed by what we have remembered and what we have forgotten. Wanting to understand what it meant then, we investigate what we are now; and we place ourselves as Any Individual in the polarized schism of Berlin around The Wall, an open wound in the heart of Europe. On the rubble of a century, that HUMAN BEING establishes a pact with THE SYSTEM, the one that reunites the traumatized HOMELAND of Germany, and the divided mass of CITIZENS of EAST and WEST. A journey in which the origin could be the goal, in which to discover if we built the story or if it is the story that makes us up.
DramaDrama | |
6 - 10 | |
3 | |
3 | |
2 | |
60 - 90 min. | |
ContemporáneaContemporary | |
2019 | |
19/10/2019 | |
Teatro de la Abadía | |
DIRECCIÓN Aarón Lobato DRAMATURGIA Julio Rojas MIRADA EXTERNA Andrés Lima REPARTO Alba Enríquez Ángel Perabá Julio Rojas Andrea Trepat Raquel Torres José Juan Sevilla ESPACIO SONORO Mariano Marín MÚSICA ORIGINAL Pedro AMG COREOGRAFÍA Andrés Acevedo & Ángel Perabá ESPACIO ESCÉNICO Pecado de Hybris & Pedro Masa DISEÑO DE ILUMINACIÓN Diego Domínguez AYUDANTE DE DIRECCIÓN Pablo M. Bravo FOTOGRAFÍAS Promocionales: Carlos Rubio Recio Función: Álvaro Serrano Sierra Damián Comendador GÉNERO Drama, Teatro Político, Autoficción | |
DocumentoDocument | |
2 Candidaturas a los XXIII PREMIOS MAX: Mejor espectáculo revelación y mejor autoría revelación Seleccionada entre más de 200 propuestas para las residencias de creación "A gatas" coordinadas y compartidas entre el Teatro de la Abadía, Conde Duque y RESAD. Seleccionada para la muestra final del proyecto, entre los 6 proyectos finalistas. | |
Candidate for the XXIII MAX AWARDS: Best Breakthrough Show and Best Breakthrough Authorship Selected from more than 200 proposals for the creative residences "A gatas" coordinated and shared between the Teatro de la Abadía, Conde Duque and RESAD. Selected for the final sample of the project, among the 6 finalist projects. |
Nota: “Todos los datos han sido aportados por los/as autores/as, por lo tanto, la AAT no se responsabiliza de su veracidad”.
Note: "All data have been provided by the authors, therefore, the AAT is not responsible for its accuracy".