¿Dónde estaré esta noche?
Where Will I Be Tonight
Juana, encerrada en Rouen, afronta sus últimas horas. Ante sus enemigos, ante sus jueces, ante el peso de su condena. A un paso de la hoguera, el mártir se pregunta dónde está la salvación. Busca el cielo y sólo ve su mazmorra. Pregunta a Dios. Su única respuesta: el silencio.
Imprisoned in Rouen, Joan of Arc faces her final hours. Her enemies, her judges, the weight of her sentence. One step away from the bonfire, the martyr asks herself where salvation is. She looks for Heaven and finds only her dungeon. She asks God. His only answer is silence.
Imprisoned in Rouen, Joan of Arc faces her final hours. Her enemies, her judges, the weight of her sentence. One step away from the bonfire, the martyr asks herself where salvation is. She looks for Heaven and finds only her dungeon. She asks God. His only answer is silence.
EspañolSpanish | |
DramaDrama | |
1 | |
1 | |
Sin precisarUnspecified | |
60 - 90 min. | |
2018 | |
27/09/2018 | |
Teatro La Fundición (Sevilla) | |
Dirección: Carlos Álvarez-Ossorio. Autor: Borja de Diego. Actriz: Alicia Moruno. Música: Jasio Velasco. Iluminación: Valentín Donaire. Asesoramiento: Ana Moruno. Fotografía y cartel: Pablo Gil (M Rivera). | |
Enero de 2021 | |
Editorial Atopía | |
Imagenes no disponibles
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Note: "All data have been provided by the authors, therefore, the AAT is not responsible for its accuracy".