In a Doll’s House
XII Premio Martín Recuerda de Teatro. Una chica obtiene alojamiento en una vivienda a cambio de mantener regularmente relaciones sexuales con el dueño de la casa. Tras un primer momento de tensa incertidumbre, se ve abocada a consumar su contraprestación, llegando a generarse entre ella y su arrendador, con el paso de los días, una extraña cotidianeidad. En una trama paralela, la misma chica, que es actriz, ensaya la obra “Casa de muñecas” de Ibsen, en la que encarna a Nora, la mujer arquetipo de la rebeldía femenina contra la sociedad paternalista de su tiempo. Pero en el proceso de creación y definición del personaje, la actriz, a juicio de la directora de la obra (una mujer severa y exigente), es incapaz de comprender e interiorizar la fuerza y la rebeldía de la audaz Nora. La chica, en cualquier caso, se esforzará, con ayuda de su compañero de reparto, en hallar las claves para llegar a encontrar su personal Nora en la particular “Casa de Muñecas” que es su propia vida.
Winner of the 12th Martín Recuerda theatre award. A girl is invited to live in a flat in exchange for having regular sexual relations with its owner. After an initial moment of tense uncertainty, she throws herself headlong into paying her rent in this way, and over time a strange day-to-day normality develops between her and her landlord. In a parallel story, the same girl, who is an actor, is rehearsing for Ibsen’s A Doll’s House, in which she plays Nora, the archetype of a woman rebelling against the paternalistic society of her day. But as she creates and defines her character, the director of the play (a severe, demanding woman) decides she is incapable of understanding and internalising the strength and rebelliousness of the brave Nora. Nevertheless, the girl will try, assisted by a fellow cast member, to locate the keys to finding her own personal Nora, in the peculiar ‘Doll’s House’ that is her own life.
Winner of the 12th Martín Recuerda theatre award. A girl is invited to live in a flat in exchange for having regular sexual relations with its owner. After an initial moment of tense uncertainty, she throws herself headlong into paying her rent in this way, and over time a strange day-to-day normality develops between her and her landlord. In a parallel story, the same girl, who is an actor, is rehearsing for Ibsen’s A Doll’s House, in which she plays Nora, the archetype of a woman rebelling against the paternalistic society of her day. But as she creates and defines her character, the director of the play (a severe, demanding woman) decides she is incapable of understanding and internalising the strength and rebelliousness of the brave Nora. Nevertheless, the girl will try, assisted by a fellow cast member, to locate the keys to finding her own personal Nora, in the peculiar ‘Doll’s House’ that is her own life.
EspañolSpanish | |
DramaDrama | |
4 | |
2 | |
2 | |
2 | |
60 - 90 min. | |
ContemporáneaContemporary | |
2013 | |
2014 | |
Diputación de Granada, Universidad de Granada, Ayunto. Salobreña, Fundación José Martín Recuerda. | |
Documento | |
Texto completo | |
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Note: "All data have been provided by the authors, therefore, the AAT is not responsible for its accuracy".