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La locura sanguinaria de María Tudor.
The bloodthirsty madness of Mary tudor

La locura sanguinaria de María Tudor.
Crónica de una fatalidad. María Tudor, nieta de los Reyes Católicos de España, hija querida de Catalina de Aragón, mujer apreciada por el pueblo inglés, a quien su esposo Enrique VIII de Inglaterra repudió, humilló públicamente y encerró en el castillo de More y de Kimbolton para casarse con Ana Bolena a la que poco después decapitó, no fue la única. A catalina el humanista Erasmo de Roterdam la llamaba la reina culta. Eran amigos de la reina el valenciano Luís Vives o Tomás Moro. Su padre Enrique VIII mandó al cadalso al genial filósofo creador de “Utopía” Tomás Moro, amigo suyo, por mantenerse fiel al catolicismo y a la reina Catalina. Lo mismo hizo con el confesor personal de la reina Catalina de Aragón el cardenal John Fisher, su cabeza rodó por Tower Hill. En plena represión fueron ajusticiados y descuartiza.

Chronicle of a fatality. Mary Tudor, granddaughter of the Catholic Monarchs of Spain, beloved daughter of Catherine of Aragon, a woman appreciated by the English people, whom her husband Henry VIII of England repudiated, publicly humiliated and locked in the castle of More and Kimbolton to marry Anne Boleyn whom he beheaded shortly after, was not the only one. Catherine was called the cultured queen by the humanist Erasmus of Rotterdam. Friends of the queen were the Valencian Luís Vives or Tomás Moro. His father Henry VIII sent to the cadet the great philosopher creator of "Utopia" Thomas More, a friend of his, for remaining faithful to Catholicism and Queen Catherine. He did the same with the personal confessor of Queen Catherine of Aragon Cardinal John Fisher, his head rolling down Tower Hill. In full repression they were executed and dismembered

Sin precisarUnspecified
Teatro breveShort play
Teatro Talia, Sala Manaut, Universidad Bratislava.
Enjundia teatro.
2016- 2020.
Nota: “Todos los datos han sido aportados por los/as autores/as, por lo tanto, la AAT no se responsabiliza de su veracidad”.
Note: "All data have been provided by the authors, therefore, the AAT is not responsible for its accuracy".