Ojos que no ven
Out of sight
Un joven periodista cree en la verdad. Cuando visita un barrio pobre de la ciudad, descubre lo distante que resulta esta de la realidad... O no tanto. Deberá poner a prueba su honestidad en medio de un entorno "sucio".
A young journalist believes in the truth. When he visits a poor neighborhood in the city, he discovers how distant it is from reality... Or not so far. You will have to test your honesty in the middle of a "dirty" environment.
A young journalist believes in the truth. When he visits a poor neighborhood in the city, he discovers how distant it is from reality... Or not so far. You will have to test your honesty in the middle of a "dirty" environment.
EspañolSpanish | |
DramaDrama | |
11 - 15 | |
6 - 10 | |
3 | |
1 | |
60 - 90 min. | |
ContemporáneaContemporary | |
Español, | |
1999 | |
2011 | |
Artgerust | |
Texto completoFull text | |
https://asieraparicio.wixsite.com/asieraparicio/teatro | |
https://asieraparicio.wixsite.com/asieraparicio/teatro |
Nota: “Todos los datos han sido aportados por los/as autores/as, por lo tanto, la AAT no se responsabiliza de su veracidad”.
Note: "All data have been provided by the authors, therefore, the AAT is not responsible for its accuracy".