Razón de guerra
Reason for war
La guerra, ¿es el “estado natural” del ser humano o sólo un “estado naturalizado”? Urge “desnaturalizar” la guerra, a pesar de encontrar en nuestro interior razones para el odio. Y la única vía hacia la paz es la propia paz. El llanto propio y el ajeno nos lo exigen como deseo, como el anhelo más humano: reconciliar justicia y libertad.
Is war the “natural state” of human beings or just a “naturalized state”? It is urgent to “denaturalize” war, despite finding reasons for hatred within us. And the only way to peace is peace itself. Our own crying and that of others demand it from us as a desire, as the most human desire: to reconcile justice and freedom.
Is war the “natural state” of human beings or just a “naturalized state”? It is urgent to “denaturalize” war, despite finding reasons for hatred within us. And the only way to peace is peace itself. Our own crying and that of others demand it from us as a desire, as the most human desire: to reconcile justice and freedom.
EspañolSpanish | |
DramaDrama | |
6 - 10 | |
5 | |
1 | |
1 | |
Teatro breveShort play | |
ContemporáneaContemporary | |
Español, | |
2001 | |
2012 | |
Artgerust | |
Texto completoFull text | |
https://asieraparicio.wixsite.com/asieraparicio/teatro | |
https://asieraparicio.wixsite.com/asieraparicio/teatro |
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Note: "All data have been provided by the authors, therefore, the AAT is not responsible for its accuracy".